Massage & Physiotherapy:
manipulations and manual operations
Dedicated to treating all inflammatory states of muscles and joints, localized contractures, post-traumatic injuries, as well as maintaining and reviving body tone, the Massage & Physiotherapy Department is one the most representative area of Villa Paradiso and La Maison du Relax and plays a fundamental role. Physiotherapy massage can trigger a series of positive effects on a muscular (hypotonic and hypertonic action), vascular (vasodilatory action), and biochemical level (antalgic action through the release of endorphins). In addition, the Massage & Physiotherapy Department offers a whole range of treatments which, associated with each other, lead to a significant body tone recovery.
Passive Stimulating Gymnastics with Electrostimulation
Passive stimulating gymnastics with electrostimulation aims at toning muscles, firming tissues, sculpturing and firming the abdomen, legs and buttocks. It is carried out by administering a series of pulses which triggers an intermittent contraction of the treated muscle groups and stimulates peripheral microcirculation.
Laser Therapy
Laser therapy is mainly used for treating orthopedic and physiotherapeutic pathologies of inflammatory nature, but also for pathologies such as arthro-rheumatic diseases, sciatica, lumbago, polyarthritis and all traumatic disorders (pulled muscles and muscle contractures, tendonitis, bursitis).
Tecar Therapy
Tecar Therapy is an electro-medical technique that activates the natural anti-inflammatory processes through the administration of energy inside biological tissues. It is suitable for all joint problems, inflammations, post-traumatic injuries, tendonitis, lower back pain, neck pain.
Shock Waves
This therapy is performed through the use of a sound-wave medical device in order to treat several inflammatory conditions affecting bones and tendons.
Effective against calcifications.
Physiotherapy Massage
Series of manipulations performed to relieve tension in the muscle-tendon system. This therapy aims to improve blood and lymphatic circulation and decrease tension in connective and muscle tissues.
Osteopathic Treatment
Osteo-articular therapy which consists in manipulating certain body parts, such as the back, neck and head.
Total Body Workout
This type of workout involves exercises targeting the whole body through a combination of different techniques: stretching, posture exercises, pilates.
Cardio Fitness
This special type of workout, which mostly involves aerobic exercises, is suitable for losing weight, toning and improving cardio-respiratory efficiency, and produces a positive effect on metabolism and joints.
Water Aerobics
A psychophysical workout aimed at improving muscle tone and firmness through light but effective exercises taking advantage of water resistance and floating.
Pilates is an effective motor technique for improvement of mental and physical balance and coordination. It is performed with specifically designed tools and under specialist supervision.
A Japanese manual therapy which involves a series of tractions and pressures applied through acupressure. This highly relaxing treatment is effective in restoring a good energetic balance.
Thai Stretching Massage
An ancient Thai technique. This highly effective and beneficial passive gymnastics promotes flexibility and postural realignment.
Foot Reflexology
An energetic micro-massage performed on the foot arch with acupressure in order to restore psychophysical balance.
Polarity (or Polarity Therapy)
It is a method that combines a variety of western and oriental body disciplines. It was created in California by Dr. Randolph Scott and his team, which included osteopaths, naturopathic doctors, and chiropractors. Polarity Therapy is 100% non-invasive. The practitioner applies finger pressure to produce a revitalizing effect on all levels, seeking to relieve the contracted muscles from a state of tension, not only to relax tissues and muscles, but also to improve blood and lymphatic circulation. Polarity alleviates trauma and emotional pain and creates a pleasant vascularizing reaction in the treated tissues.
Swedana (associated with Polarity)
It is a relaxing and detoxifying treatment, which results in an effective dermal penetration of oils. It consists of a steam bath that improves skin hydration. The simultaneous action of steam and heat contributes to better blood and lymphatic circulation, dissolves toxins and metabolic wastes, promoting their elimination through sweating. This treatment is offered as a supplement to other therapies, such as Polarity or Shirodhara.
Ayurveda Massage
It literally means "use of hands with oil”. Two perfectly coordinated and skilled practitioners massage the body, including the face and head, using warm herbal oils. This treatment induces a relaxing effect and a feeling of well-being and intense harmony, and helps to completely remove impurities from tissues. In addition, it tightens and tones the skin.
It means “to rub” and consists, as the name suggests, of a total body massage performed with raw silk gloves. Skilled, light and fast movements stimulate blood flow and microcirculation. This first step is followed by a total body massage with warm oil. Garshan removes dead cells from the skin and supports the natural process of elimination of fatty deposits that can cause cellulite .
Pinda Sweda
This treatment is performed using hot cotton bags containing powders and medical roots. After oiling, pinda (bags) are slid on the body, creating a state of deep harmony. Suitable for strengthening the musculoskeletal apparatus to improve body elasticity.
A very pleasant treatment. A dash of oil, together with hot and aromatic teas, is poured on the forehead, between the eyebrows. The stimulation of this area has a positive effect on the brain nerve centers, which helps to calm the mind, improves concentration and sleep quality, and relieves headaches and neck and shoulder tension.
Hot Stone Massage
This technique consists in alternating a manual massage with the use of warm, smooth lava stones. The stones are slid on the oiled body, which combines the positive effects of the massage with those of a natural fomentation. This treatment relaxes muscle and joint tension, promotes the elimination of excess fluid and produces an effective depurative action.